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An Associate Member of Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America

Our children are the sons and daughters of
the farmers, builders, brewers,
small business owners, and firefighters
that work to serve our North Country community.
In 2006, a group of local parents seeking nurturing, nature-based educational experiences for their children pooled their resources and with creativity, love, and a lot of elbow grease, founded Lakeside School. A year later, Lakeside School moved to Black Kettle Farm, where, over the next decade, we expanded to offer year-round daycare, a farm- and forest-based kindergarten, an early elementary program, after-school care, and a summer day camp. We continue to grow and blossom, constantly striving to meet the needs of our students, their families, and our community. This year, we are thrilled to have the largest incoming "Sprouts" class in our history!
Lakeside School is a magnet for young families looking to live and work in Essex County. Among our current school families, 50% said that Lakeside School was a leading factor in their decision to move to the area. Currently, 45 students are enrolled at our school and 36 campers participated in our summer camp program. While many of our families live in the towns surrounding Essex, some travel as far as an hour away.

Yankee Farm Credit has appraised the property at $270,000.
The Eddy Foundation accepted our offer of $260,000!
In autumn of 2018, Lakeside School officially purchased the property.
The goal of the capital campaign is to raise $500,000 to ensure a substantial reserve for capital improvements and maintenance.
We've already raised $244,000 in cash from friends, parents, grandparents, and community members. Please join their generosity!
Today, Lakeside School stands at a crossroads. the number of North Country families we serve has more than quadrupled in the last decade. But, we need to make sure the roots we put down at Black Kettle Farm can grow and thrive for future generations. But, we need your help.
Thanks to careful planning and generous financial support, in autumn of 2018, Lakeside School was able to purchase a 70.3 acre subdivision of the farm - including all of the school buildings - sold by the Eddy Foundation, which previously leased us the property for nearly a decade at the cost of one dollar per year.
The school is indebted to the individual donors and the Cloudsplitter Foundation for their generous $25,000 donation in support of our Capital Campaign and greater mission to grow and educate young children.
Looking forward, the Campaign plans to make necessary improvements on the property's lovingly restored buildings. These renovations are essential to the programming and success of our school. Therefore, we seek further support to continue the next chapter of our school's story. Join our campaign to renovate Black Kettle Farm and build a foundation on which Lakeside School and its families can thrive for generations to come.
To contribute to the Lakeside School Capital Campaign, you can choose one of three different donation options:
Use the Donate button below to donate via credit card or PayPal. Click on "Add special instructions to the seller" and designate your donation to the Capital Campaign. Any donations undesignated as Capital Campaign contributions will automatically be donated to the school's general fund.
Send a check, payable to Lakeside School Capital Campaign, to Maeve Taylor, Administrator, Lakeside School at Black Kettle Farm, 6 Leaning Road, Essex, NY 12936
Lakeside School also accepts stock donations. Contact Maeve at or (518) 963-7385 for more information.

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