An Associate Member of Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America
Help a Lakeside Family in Crisis
The Lakeside School Board created an Emergency Fund to ensure that our programs continue to support and educate children and their families during this unprecedented time. We know that individual circumstances may be changing in rapid and unexpected ways which may impact a family's ability to pay tuition at this time. The Emergency Fund supports additional tuition assistance needs while ensuring that our faculty and staff can continue the important and enriching work of supporting parents and children through this crisis.
How does a school provide distance learning for young children?
Currently, Lakeside School is open for all programs. However, should circumstances demand we close the campus as we did in the Spring of 2020, our faculty will continue to support parents by providing the following:
Early Elementary: on-line classes, at-home lesson plans, and individual teacher check-ins for each student;
Kindergarten/Sprouts/Mountain Tots: videos of class songs, stories, and puppet shows; treasure hunts; letters to each student; and parent support through group and individual phone calls, links to articles, and activities.
Most importantly, our Faculty and Board are providing a strong community presence through virtual community and class meetings, and a google classroom forum.
Thank you for supporting our Community School!
To make a gift to the fund, donate online via PayPal, or by mail to the address below. Please make checks payable to Lakeside School with "Emergency Fund" in the memo line.
Lakeside School at Black Kettle Farm
6 Leaning Rd.
Essex, NY 12936
When giving, please indicate that your donation is
intended for the COVID-19 EMERGENCY FUND.